css hack

作者: zengde 分类: css 发布时间: 2019-05-05 09:10

IE 11 (及以上..)

_:-ms-fullscreen, :root .foo { property:value; }

IE 10 及以上

_:-ms-lang(x), .foo { property:value; }


@media all and (-ms-high-contrast: none), (-ms-high-contrast: active) {

IE 10

_:-ms-lang(x), .foo { property:value\9; }

IE 9 及以上

@media screen and (min-width:0\0) and (min-resolution: +72dpi) {
  //.foo CSS

IE 9 和 10

@media screen and (min-width:0\0) {
    .foo /* backslash-9 removes.foo & old Safari 4 */

IE 9

@media screen and (min-width:0\0) and (min-resolution: .001dpcm) { 
 //.foo CSS

IE 8,9 和10

@media screen\0 {
    .foo {property:value;}

IE 8 标准模式

.foo { property /*\**/: value\9 }

IE 8

html>/**/body .foo {property:value;}

@media \0screen {
    .foo {property:value;}

IE 7

*+html .foo {property:value;}

*:first-child+html .foo {property:value;}

IE 6, 7 和 8

@media \0screen\,screen\9 {
    .foo {property:value;}

IE 6 和 7

@media screen\9 {
    .foo {property:value;}

.foo { *property:value;}

.foo { #property:value;}

IE 6, 7 和 8

@media \0screen\,screen\9 {
    .foo {property:value;}

IE 6

* html .foo {property:value;}

.foo { _property:value;}



Modernizr 在页面加载时快速运行以检测功能; 然后它创建一个包含结果的JavaScript对象,并将类添加到html元素

User agent 选择器


var b = document.documentElement;
        b.setAttribute('data-useragent',  navigator.userAgent);
        b.setAttribute('data-platform', navigator.platform );
        b.className += ((!!('ontouchstart' in window) || !!('onmsgesturechange' in window))?' touch':'');

以上代码将在 html 元素添加以下属性:

data-useragent='Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; M.foo 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C)'

使用目标 CSS 选择器, e.g.:

html[data-useragent*='Chrome/13.0'] .nav{
    background:url(img/radial_grad.png) center bottom no-repeat;
