
作者: zengde 分类: 笔记 发布时间: 2021-10-30 01:58

select path || ‘%’  from t_category where depth = 0 and type = 0


比如path是/1001/的话 那结果就是/1001/%


SELECT ‘A’+’B’  结果为0

SELECT “A”+”1”  结果为1

SELECT “A”+1   结果为1

SELECT 2+1  结果为3



||  String Concatenation
*  Arithmetic Multiply
/  Arithmetic Divide
%  Arithmetic Modulus
+  Arithmetic Add
–  Arithmetic Subtract
<<  Bitwise Right shift
>>  Bitwise Left shift
&  Logical And
|  Logical Or
<  Relational Less than
<=  Relational Less than or equal to
>  Relational Greater than
>=  Relational Greater than or equal to
=  Relational Equal to
==  Relational Equal to
<>  Relational Not equal to
!=  Relational Not equal to
IN  Logical In
AND  Logical And
OR  Logical Or
LIKE  Relational String matching
GLOB  Relational Filename matching